Forward e-mail asking for Support of
New Jersey's Liberty Tower
in Jersey City

This is an e-mail that I am asking people to forward to all New Jerseyans...

Please pass this e-mail to as many New Jerseyans that you know.

The NY broadcasters are planning on building a TV Antenna in New Jersey to replace the broadcast antenna that once stood atop the Twin Towers. This will be the largest structure in the world. Currently they want to build an ugly tower with tons of support cables. It will be no different than the many other communication towers throughout NJ that no one wants in their neighborhoods - except for one thing - this one will be 2000ft tal and will be seen from 20 miles awayl. This tower is proposed for Bayonne.

Liberty Science Center wants to have the Tower built similar to the CN Tower design in Toronto or The Space Needle in Seattle. This one will have an observation deck, museum, educational oppurtunities with linkages to LSC and may contain a possible restaurant. This tower would be next the the Liberty Science Center in Liberty State Park. This has the potential of bringing millions of visitors to New Jersey - along with their tourism dollar. New Jersey's Liberty Tower would become a world renowned symbol for New Jersey.

The Bayonne tower - will bring nothing to the state, but "New Jersey Liberty Tower" will bring in tourists - many visiting New York that might not otherwise come over to New Jersey.

I created a website asking for people's support - the url is - If you support the design please e-mail me with your thoughts at and forward this e-mail onto anyone that you know. There is contact information on the website for the governor, New Jersey legislators and Department of Commerce. E-mailing or faxing them would do the most to get New Jersey's Liberty Tower built.

I have a petition going and I'm trying to get support for the Liberty Science Center design. I would like to see something that New Jerseyans can be proud of for generations to come. Something that will be a world renowned symbol, something that will bring more tourism and money into the state.

Thanks -

Robert Rosetta